Series-2 (July-August 2019)July-August 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Financial Development and Bank Profitability in Nigeria: Evidence Using Ardl Analysis |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Paul Ndubuisi |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1004020108 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the dynamic relationship between financial structure and bank profitablility in Nigeria over the period 1981-2017 using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach. The results are mixed. On the first part, there is a short causal impact between financial sector proxy by industry variables and bank performance. However in the second phase, the results suggest that all the variables are unable influence return on assets except Central Bank asset to GDP in the long run. In general, the results highlight the underdevelopment state of the financial sector in resource mobilisation and allocation and in driving profitability in banking sector. This study has some important policy implication: Banks should lower the level of liquidity to increase the income from loan. In other words, a bank can increase lending to the public thereby reducing cash tied up to liquid asset.
Keywords: ARDL bounds test; crude oil price; energy consumption; Nigeria, structural break
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Abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of good governance, utilization of information technology, and internal control on the quality of financial statements. the sample consist of 282 officer of district / city in central java, Indonesia. The sample size was determined based on the slovin formula and the sampling was done simple random sampling, while the delivery of the questionnaire was done by post. As for testing the hypothesis used Ordinary Lest Square (OLS) multiple regression.This study found that good governance, utilization of information technology, internal control has a significant positive effect on the quality of financial statements and utilization of information technology and internal control has a significant positive effect on good governance. This study also found the role of good governance as mediating variable of information technology utilization and internal control on the quality of financial report. Local government must increase internal control to achieve a good quality of financial report.
Keywords: good governance, utilization of information technology, internal control, quality of financial statements.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Does Remittance Earning Pave the Way to Investment in Education? |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Nahin Rahman || Fairooz Binte Hafiz |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1004021826 ![]() |
Abstract: Remittances play a significant role in overall development of our country. Our main objective is to know whether decision of households with migrants regarding their educational expenditure depends on their remittance earning or not. More specifically, do educational expenditures of migrant households increase or decrease with remittances? If they do, then, are remittances received from inside the country and outside the country influence educational expenditures of those households in the same way? We are also interested to know if there are any regional differences in the estimated outcome. We tried to find out the answers to all these questions throughout the whole paper...........
Keywords: Remittances, Educational expenditures
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analyse du pass-through du taux d'intérêt au Maroc |
Country | : | Maroc |
Authors | : | Khalid Harraou |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1004022743 ![]() |
Abstract: Letaux d'intérêt du marché monétairejoue un rôle fondamental comme courroie de transmission de la politique monétaire. En effet, à travers ce canal, la banque centrale transmet ses impulsions monétaires au secteur réel de l'économie via les répercussions sur les taux d'intérêt offerts par les institutions bancaires. La connaissance du degré d'ajustement des taux bancaires par rapport aux taux du marché monétaire s'avère incontournable compte tenu du fait que cela permet de mesurer l'efficacité de la politique monétaire à travers le canal du taux d'intérêt. Cet article est consacré en particulier, à l'examen de la relation entre le taux du marché monétaire et les taux bancaires à travers l'analyse du pass-through.............
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Abstract: Economicgrowth, inflation, and unemployment are threeindicatorsthat are important concerns of the people of the world economy. Over the pasthalf century, public interest in the world economy has led to ways to accelerate national economicgrowth. This studyempiricallyanalyzes the causal relationshipbetweeneconomicgrowth, inflation, and unemployment. The results show that there is a one-way relationship between unemployment and economic growth, and inflation and unemployment, but there is no causal relationship between economic growth and inflation.
Keywords: Growth, Inflation, Unemployment, Vector Autoregression
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Abstract: The study examined the impact of foreign portfolio investment and Foreign Direct Investment on the performance of the Nigerian Economy over a period of 1980-2017. The data used were purely secondary sourced from the central Bank of Nigeria statistical Bulletin and World Bank Development indicator. The ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis was used. The findings revealed that the performance of the Nigerian Economy is directly related to inflow of foreign portfolio investment and foreign direct investment and it is also statistically significant at 5% level. This means that a good performance of the economy depends on the inflow of these variables, or that the variables serve as an engine of economic growth. The study therefore recommends that policy makers should work on improvement of economic incentives capable of mobilizing external resources to the country to engender macroeconomic stability. A stable economy will attract foreign investment and this result to increased inflow of foreign capital
Key Words: FPI, Investment, Gross Domestic Product, Unemployment, Empirical Analysis
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify the reasons of the weakness of the Islamic finance to the small projects in North Africa bank through studying the reality of the financing procedures that have been depended on in the Islamic financing, the financing policy, alongside the Islamic standards of the bank. A questionnaire has been distributed to the sample members of the study which was (400) employees working in the North Africa bank. The results of the regression analysis and (t) value showed that the shortage and weakness of the Islamic financing to the small projects are...........
Key Words: Employees, Financial Laws,Sharia,Regression, Romani, Market
[1]. Central Bank of Libya, "a report by the banks arranging the most important items of financial position at the end of the second quarter of 2015", pp. 17-18.
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[3]. Financing policy and the terms of the bank to do investment activities are permissible and in accordance with Law No. (1) for the year 2013, no right of banks to deal usurious manner whatsoever, to knead the bank will use the contracts to the Islamic modes of investment.
[4]. Financing policy and the terms of the bank to do investment activities are permissible and in accordance with Law No. (1) for theyear 2013, no right of banks to deal usurious manner whatsoever, to knead the bank using Islamic contracts to patterns of investment. The first meeting of central regulator legitimacy of the Central Bank of Libya0.26/September2013.
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Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the auditors' specialization and loan loss provision over the period 2001-2011. Specifically, this paper examined the auditors' specialization impact on earnings management via discretionary provision. This study emphasizes the researching significance the interaction effect of the auditors' specialization and earnings before loan loss provisions on the discretionary provision. Multivariate regressions are employed to test the effect of auditors' specialization on discretionary provisions as a proxy for earnings management........
Key Words: Loan loss provision, Discretionary provision, Auditors' specialization, Earnings management.
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Abstract: L'objectif de cet article est de tester l'existence d'une relation entre les flux d'investissements directs étrangers (IDE) et la productivité, dans le cas de la RDC en utilisant des données sur la période 1980-2017. Nos résultats montrent que la présence des investissements directs étrangers n'a pas d'impact significatif sur la productivité plutôt elle est influencée par la qualité institutionnelle, l'environnement macroéconomique favorable, l'organisation du marché, le développement du capital humain, et la diversification de l'économie, etc. Nous montrons enfin une forte corrélation entre la qualité des ressources humaines et les effets induits..........
Keys words: FDI, Productivity, Human capital, diversification
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